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This is a website that offers you the chance to earn “free miles, or rewards” by viewing their sponsored advertising. You can earn even more if you actual clink through and buy the product or service they are selling. Since it is free money, the amounts are small, $.05 or $.10, but they can add up quickly if you are active on the site. Since I am a huge fan of, I link my rewards to my Upromise account and transfer the rewards after I reach $5.00. I have done this a few times now and think it is worth my time. It only takes a few seconds once in a while to visit the site and view the adds. Here is a short description of the program from the FAQ section of the website.
e-Miles is an exclusive online program that rewards you for your time with airline miles, sponsor points, gift cards or other exciting reward options. It’s absolutely free. As a Member of e-Miles, you can earn free miles in just a few minutes a day — simply by reading and responding to marketing messages based on your preferences.
Although it may seem like a small amount of money for your efforts, the cumulative effect of using this site, and many others like it, can grow into a substantial amount of annual earnings. I have added this site into a long and growing list of websites that I regularly visit throughout my week. It takes seconds to visits and the dollars add up quickly week after week.