Since my last post was on saving money at the movies, I thought it would make sense to share my overall thoughts to saving money on consuming all entertainment media. I have tried all the major streaming services, Apple, Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon, and although they all have good features, the hands down winner for me is Amazon.  Like many other services that you consume a lot of, cost and convenience matter a lot.  I use the Amazon Prime membership since it is a good value for purchasing many of the items I need throughout the year, love the free 2 days shipping, but all the free entertainment content that is in included with the membership is unbeatable!  Further, I also buy a lot of movie classics and new releases which get stored in the Amazon cloud for free for forever.  I can access all my media, movies, music, pictures, videos, and data files, anywhere I have Internet access. Amazon is truly the one stop shop for all things and cloud hosted entertainment media is no exception.  Check it out!